Millionairs Can Be Trans

Pineapples, originally from Abya Yala were cultivated by the Mayas and the Aztecs. Pineapples were employed in healing and purification rituals. After Columbus, the fruit becomes an imperial symbol of opulence of other worlds. Today, genetically modified pineapples have been commodified in size, shape, color and taste for sell. And what is the future of the pineapple?

Pineapple dream is a technological, epistemic and decolonial sound performance. Thick skin, tangy and sweet pineapple.

Title: Pineapple Dream
Form: Performance and electronic sound installation
Format: 30 min
Date: 21 July 2016
Location: Schwules Museum, Berlin. Ways beyond should, Femme movements in frame of exhibition MILLIONAIRES CAN BE TRANS* // YOU ARE SO BRAVE*

Additional Information: Curated by Alex Alvina Chamberland, Mylo Dylan, Henri Geets, Ruvel Kovalevsky, Neda Sanai, Vince Tillotson.